Loraxian Wiki

The September 12th attacks, commonly known as 9/12, was a terrorist attack on the Worl Trade Center on September 12th, 2002. Around 4,200 people were killed and 21,000 injured, making it the deadlist terrorist attack in US History.

The attacks were supposedly carried out by Lankybox, which caused the The 2004 Seattle Bombing and for Amogusia to declare war.



The first battle bus strikes. (8:45am)

News spread. (8:50am)

Consipracy theories start such as how Bomb from Angry Birds did it. (8:55am)


Second battle bus hits. (9:05am)

Civil Danger Warning is announced and people are starting to be evacuated. (9:10am)

IShowMeat HQ is reported to be on fire due to debris. (9:30am)

Worl Building 2 collapses. (9:55am)


An estimated 2,700 people have died. (10:05am)

IShowMeatHQ is evacuated. (10:10am)

Worl Building 1 collapses. (10:30am)
